The show closed with positive figures: 17,145 visitors attended, with a 14.2% increase compared to two years ago.
Excellent results for international visitors with 5,068 operators, ie, 29.1% of total attendance, up by 9.3% from 2014.

Even better on the Italian side: 12,437 industry professionals came from all over Italy, as much as 16.3% more than in 2014 and 70.9% of all visitors.

"We are very satisfied with the results of the Milan exhibition", said Dario Corbetta, exhibition director. "We saw many people in the aisles of Xylexpo, plenty of exhibitors and visitors; we breathed a different air, a better atmosphere; there was a climate of participation and real interest.

"I want to stress the fact that everyone was at Xylexpo this year, ready to work together".

The key to the success of this edition, was clearly supported by a rallying domestic market as well as by an organisation that has worked hard to create a "smooth" event, where everyone could find answers to their needs as exhibitors or visitors. Such commitment was combined with clarity: for the second edition, the organisers counted "heads" instead of "visits", real people instead of accesses, which were 41,000 in five days.

Europe was by far the main region of origin, with a 70.8% share of visitors, followed by Asia (including Russia and Turkey) with 19.2%, Americas (6%), Africa (3%) and Oceania (1%).

Xylexpo 2016 hosted 441 exhibitors (122 from 29 foreign countries), over a total surface of 29,189m2, 2,000 more than in 2014.