The positive trend of recent times is continuing, still driven by foreign markets, where orders went up by 17.2%.
“Once again we see remarkable difference between Italy and abroad,” commented Dario Corbetta, Acimall director. “The Italian market is growing at satisfactory rates, but we are still far from pre-crisis levels. Abroad, instead, we are already back to pre-2008 volumes and everything suggests that this trend will endure."
Optimism is welcome, although the figures provided by Acimall’s observatory must be interpreted correctly. “Looking at the statements by our sample of companies, it is necessary to clarify some aspects,” Mr Corbetta adds.
“The excellent trend of Italian technology is more relevant for big groups, for the larger organisations. Therefore, our companies need to find a way to work together, to integrate, because only with bigger dimensions can they effectively approach new markets that offer real opportunities in this economic season.”