Jim Skinner
In the last issue of WBPI we regret that we inadvertently named the wrong person as the new president of SierraPine. We should have credited the position to Jim Skinner, who has been the company’s chief financial officer since 2000 and was vice president, East Coast Operations, when he joined SierraPine in 1999.
Survey director
Michael Angel Bonilla, new Survey sales director for the Iberian peninsula, will be responsible for the ZOW furniture components fair and woodworking machinery fair Z-mac, to be held in Saragossa from 2009.
ZOW Italy
The eighth ZOW exhibition in Pordenone, Italy takes place October 15-18, 2008, featuring more than 700 companies from over 30 countries.
Medite celebrates
Medite Europe Ltd has had a double anniversary: 25 years ago in September, European production of Medite MDF began in Clonmel, Ireland and September also saw Clonmel produce its six millionth m3 of Medite MDF.
Ainsworth closure
Ainsworth Lumber Co Ltd has announced the permanent closure of its OSB mill in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.
“Given a variety of factors, including our business outlook, the structural challenges of operating in this region, and the condition of the mill at the time it was delivered to us by Potlatch, we simply cannot rationalise making the significant investment required to make the mill economically viable,said a statement.