The EBITDA increased by +22.6 % to reach €445.8m and the EBITDA margin exceeded previous years’ levels by 16.6 %.
The family business continues to enjoy a good credit rating thanks to a high equity ratio of 40.5 %. The quantity of raw boards, increased to 8.5 million m3 (+6.5 %), which means the full utilisation of all primary production capacities. On average last year, Egger employed 8,765 employees group-wide.
“What is particularly satisfying is that we were able to experience growth in all corporate divisions and most markets,” explains Thomas Leissing, spokesman for group management, and in charge of finance, administration, and logistics, who also refers to the good overall trend in the economy:
“The European construction industry is, for the first time ever, on a growth trajectory across all countries. The forecast for the global furniture industry is also good, worldwide trade is expected to grow by 4% in 2018. This has a positive impact on production in exporting countries.”