The value of pine sawnwood exports increased 29% from April 2015 (US$21.7m) and April 2016 (US$28m). In terms of volume, exports increased over the same period from 94,200m3 to 149,800m3
April tropical sawnwood exports increased 1.7% in volume year on year from 34,400m3 in April 2015 to 35,000m3 in April 2016. However the value of exports fell about 11% from US$17.9m to US$16m over the same period.
Pine plywood exports dropped 29.5% in value in April 2016 in comparison with April 2015, from US$47.4m to US$33.4m. In terms of volume, however, exports fell by just 2.5%, from 133,100m3 to 129,800m3, over the same period.
Brazil’s tropical plywood exports continue to rise and in April were up 34% year on year from 9,400m3 in April 2015 to 12,600m3 in April 2016. Export values also rose 4.3% from US$4.6m to US$4.8m, over the same period.