All articles by Staff Writer

Staff Writer

EGGER Group earns two sustainability awards

EGGER Group has been recognised for improvement in its sustainability performance in two renowned sustainability ratings.

Seeking resistance to water

Dr Morwenna Spear FIMMM of the BioComposites Centre looks at resistance to water swelling

Woodpop launches policy paper

WoodPoP launches a new Policy Paper to strengthen the role of wood in Europe’s transformation

Decorative surfaces go centre stage

The Global Decoration Surfaces Conference 2024 (GDSC) was successfully held in China in November

Argentina seeks to emerge from economic turmoil

Argentina has experienced much economic turmoil over recent years, but falling inflation and reforms could help to boost the country’s furniture and panels sector in the years ahead. WBPI correspondent Eugene Gerden reports

Central flow

A new way of MDF gluing – the Internal Resin Injection System using the concentric flow principle has been developed by Sunds Fibertech, reports Stephen Powney

Keeping it real

Dr Manuel Fleisch, product manager for Fagus-GreCon, writes about real-time monitoring of formaldehyde emission in wood-based panel production

Seeking sustainability

The 13th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium was held in Hamburg in northern Germany in October. Mike Botting reviews some of the resin-related presentations given at that symposium

PB Capacity will keep growing

WBPI’s Focus on Particleboard Part 2 report finds plenty of PB investment activity in Asia, with India and China leading the way. Stephen Powney reports

Paged introduces waterproof DesignPly

Plywood manufacturer Paged is expanding its range with an innovative product – Paged DesignPly, a waterproof plywood with a decorative surface that combines exceptional aesthetics with excellent durability.