We hope you will continue to make use of the dedicated website: www.intermark.fsnet.co.uk to help us improve the survey’s accuracy.Also in this issue we report on two major conferences, both of which, like so many, were poorly attended by representatives of the panel makers for whom they are intended and I wonder why that is.
Do they not want to know about new technologies, and science, which could help them to lower their costs, make better panels, meet environmental regulations or add value to their products? Or are they so busy fighting the fires of competition that they don’t have time to ‘turn off the gas supply?’
Or do they simply suspect the subject matter is irrelevant to their day-to-day business? If so, perhaps they should attend and tell the organisers what they do want to know more about. After all, it is said that knowledge is power. In today’s difficult market, better, more cost-effective (not just cheaper) panels could save the day.
Promotion is also more vital than ever – I don’t mean just manufacturers promoting their own products, but generic promotion of panels as environmentally friendly and very versatile products. Promotion to combat that of competing materials which are often more effectively advertised. Fighting each other on price alone cannot be the answer to the industry’s problems.
May I end by wishing everyone a happy Christmas and, especially at this time, a very peaceful New Year.
Marathon run
Nearly 86 million cubic metres. That is the figure we have come up with for world particleboard manufacturing capacity at the end of part ll of our marathon survey. We are by no means saying that is the definitive figure, but it is a start in trying to establish the first realistic catalogue of the world's mills and their capacities.